How Popular Apps Got Their First 1000 Users


First 1000 Users

Getting the first 1000 users for a new app can be challneging, especially in today’s competitive market. Yet, a lot of popular apps have found ways to achieve this milestone. Depending on the app and its target market, there are many different ways that well-known apps acquired their first 1000 users.

Here are some general tactics that have been used successfully by many apps:

  • Word of mouth
  • Social media
  • Influencers
  • App/play store optimization
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Paid advertising

Many apps seem to be overnight successes, but the truth is usually far different!


Twitter started as Jack Dorsey’s side project and quickly grew through word-of-mouth, allowing people to stay up-to-date with their friends.


Airbnb was created by Brian, Nathan, and Joe, who saw a demand for accommodation and launched a PR campaign. Early listings required airbeds, but this was discarded.


Dropbox started with a beta waiting list and a landing page to attract users, then created an instructional video and released it on HackerNews to increase traffic. This allowed them to quickly add thousands of additional users to their waiting list.


Firefox launched as a milestone for the Mozilla project and was initially covered by MozillaZine and ComputerWorld.


Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little created b2/cafelog, which increased interest in WordPress and encouraged more people to start blogs.


Jack Ma personally visited manufacturers to sign them up for the platform and instruct them on how to use it.


Skype was created in 2003 by Kazaa, Niklas, and Janus to combine VOIP and peer-to-peer communication. The beta version was released on August 29th, 2003, and the team distributed links to their site between friends and bloggers, generating early sign-ups and PR.


Ben promoted the first version of Pinterest to his friends and family, hosted special events to raise awareness, and encouraged local bloggers to write about the platform. He also went around stores to open up the platform on computers and iPads, making it accessible to everyone.


WhatsApp’s user base grew due to Jan Koum’s efforts to convince friends, family, and former colleagues to download the app, leading to user referral growth.


Reddit’s co-founders used the “fake it until you make it” method to make the site look active and take over as the new front page of the internet.


John Wainwright, a former coworker, placed the first purchase, leading to Amazon honoring him with a building in Seattle.


Confinity and founded Paypal, which was a PALM-based payment system used by Nokia Ventures to send millions of dollars, leading to initial users signing up for the service.


Snapchat grew quickly due to word of mouth and its teen audience’s popularity, with daily active users increasing from 3,000 to 30,000.


Facebook began its growth in March 2004, starting with Harvard undergraduates.


Instagram’s rapid user adoption was due to Kevin’s word-of-mouth advertising and integration with existing social networks.


GitHub’s beta program attracted 6,000 new users in a few months, increasing website traffic.


Early adopters were satisfied with Zoom’s performance and informed others about it.


Angry Birds

Angry Birds was released to the App Store in 2009, but was a flop in English-speaking markets. Matt Wilson built a following in smaller countries, and the developers decided to launch into US and UK app stores.


Uber’s hyper-local strategy allowed them to quickly grow from 12 to 35 cities and experience 18% revenue growth per month, attracting customers through customer merit.


Tinder targeted American college sorority girls with its ‘cheeky’ appeal, using influencers and celebrities to create a natural experience.

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