Revamp your Traditional Business with Modern Startup Techniques


The Startup Way

The Startup Way is built on the insights learned by Silicon Valley’s lean startup movement.

Eric Ries, the same author of the best-selling book “The Lean Startup” is the author of “The Startup Way.” He has worked as the Harvard Business School’s entrepreneur-in-residence. His greatest book “The Lean Startup” served as the foundation for numerous other books.

Traditional vs Modern Companies

Every company must have the potential to interact with innovative technological trends and strategies, empower its most skilled workers, and repetitively engage in an innovation process in order to open new opportunities for growth and productivity.

The startup way book mentions that all businesses now function in an environment of uncertainty because the world has grown to be a place that is highly unpredictable. Having to constantly introduce new products, look for fresh sources of development, or enter new markets puts more pressure on managers. A modern business needs to be able to both manufacture high-quality, dependable products and figure out new products to make.

An old business prioritizes each project according to market share, traditional accounting, and return on investment. A traditional business is built on steady growth, employs experts in distinct functional units, and manages extensive programs. To assist its staff in achieving its objectives of providing customer service, it uses internal processes like legal, IT, and finance.

Modern contemporary businesses use innovative accounting in an effort to increase the likelihood and scope of its potential future impact. It is built around managers and the entrepreneurs they support, and it employs the internal startup model, where a small group of fervent believers devote themselves to one project at a time.

To explore the key differences between Traditional and Modern Companies, go here…

The Act of Entrepreneurship

As the layers of bureaucracy that have accumulated over many years or even decades, established companies typically lack the ability to implement new ideas. Instead, a contemporary business should value entrepreneurship as a fundamental skill.

According to the startup way, the atomic startup unit is a committed unit that stubbornly seeks for innovative concepts, adheres to experimentation, and is adaptable enough to pivot when necessary. A different kind of leadership is needed to identify and manage entrepreneurs. It’s critical to understand that “entrepreneurship” is not some unique quality held by a selected handful.

The Fundamentals of the Lean Startup Method

Leap of Faith Assumptions

Determine the values that must be present for the startup to be successful. Any startup will make two specific leaps of faith that must be validated:

  • Value hypothesis
  • Growth hypotheses

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

As fast and affordably as you can, conduct experiments to verify the leap of faith assumptions. A real-world product is required for this Minimum Viable Product, or MVP, in order to provide the team the best chance of being surprised by consumer behavior and to collect validated learning. Depending on the concept you wish to test, MVPs might come in a variety of forms.

Validated Learning

  • Think like a scientist.
  • Consider every experiment a chance to discover what is and isn’t working.
  • Each MVP should gather the information that should result in a report which has three components: Actionable, Accessible, and Auditable.


  • Take what you’ve learned from each trial, and then repeat the cycle.
  • Building an MVP is a continual process.
  • This will ultimately lead to a better output.
  • Build the next MVP and continue learning with the knowledge you already gathered.

Pivot or Persevere

  • The foundation for the crucial last phase in the startup process is built by testing hypotheses and learning from MVPs.
  • Make a decision on whether to change course or pivot.
  • Every pivot generates a fresh set of hypotheses to test, repeating the process.
  • From being a well-known DVD mail rental service, Netflix has transitioned to streaming content. A global web-based payment system, PayPal began as a method of money transfer for palm pilots.

Management for Innovation

Instead of replacing traditional management, entrepreneurial management is a leadership framework created for the uncertainty of the twenty-first century. Even though innovation is unexpected and decentralized, it can still be controlled.

It’s important to value and reward an entrepreneurial mindset. There are more opportunities for leadership because there are small startup teams.

Problems can be resolved more quickly when experimentation, learning, and pivoting are established in the corporate culture. In the end, it will all increase the company’s profit.

How to Transform the Company

Setting the groundwork and building a critical mass, rapid scaling and deployment, and dealing with the corporation’s deep systems are the three of a company’s transformation stages as mentioned in the startup way.

Phase One: Critical Mass

The main objective of Phase One is to accumulate enough support among senior leadership to support implementing the strategy.

  • Small at First
  • Cross-functional, Committed teams
  • Sword of Gold
  • Improved measures
  • Sponsors
  • Own the Process

To read each of these in detail, you can visit here…

Phase Two: Scaling Up

Building organizational power is the objective of Phase Two in preparation for Phase Three’s challenging issues.

  • Determine the Challenges
  • Extensive Implementation
  • Executive-level Winners
  • Educate Internal Function Representatives
  • Internal Coaching
  • Growth Committees and Metering of Funds

To read each of these in detail, you can visit here…

Phase Three: Deep Systems

The main objective of Phase Three is to create an organization capable of evolution.

  • Growing constantly: Airbnb
  • Human resources: GE’s approach for managing employees
  • Company-wide innovation: Intuit
  • Innovation Accounting

To read each of these in detail, you can visit here…

The Big Picture

Every corporation needs to have an ongoing program of experimentation with novel organizational structures and operating procedures, led by those who will drive the next wave of internal change. This constant transformation engine should be viewed as an enduring organizational competence that is in charge of the entrepreneurial role.

Making the world a better place is what drives entrepreneurs. The startup way further tells that any measure that enables them to begin moving in the direction of their objectives will pay off.

Key takeaways from TheStartup Way…

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