Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories by Tarah Wheeler


Women in Tech

Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack is a well-educated and also a technology-oriented entrepreneur,

The book’s main focus was to tell the reader how women should behave in the technology world to not be discriminated against. Its chapters cover subjects like how to apply for jobs, how to ace the interview (what to wear?), salary negotiations, communication on the job, family balance, personal branding, networking, mentorship, getting management roles and even starting your own company.

Opportunities Must Not Go To Waste

Van Vlack tells there is a change taking place. In the book, it is mentioned that venture capitalists (VCs) are becoming more and more aware of the enormous potential that is now being missed globally as female entrepreneurs aren’t receiving the support that their plans and goals deserve.

According to Van Vlack, many women are currently being completely excluded from tech-driven, VC-supported enterprise environments, with a few noteworthy exceptions. But some of the basis for her book Women In Tech is provided by these prominent outliers.

According to Van Vlack, there is still a lot of prejudice against women in the computer industry. However, many women are working to change this, and it is hoped that more women will be motivated by tales like hers to achieve similar success.

Finding Mentors, And Self Belief

There is no one path to success for women working in digital fields, according to Brianna Wu, co-founder of the games company Giant Spacekat and one of the women included in the book.

The road to a profession or the start-up of a new tech-based firm may be littered with issues, difficulties, and mistakes, but Wu advises that you should view them all as opportunities for learning that will help you become stronger and better along the way.

Some women say that being a female engineer may be challenging in a variety of ways and that it can be crucial to know when to listen to detractors and when to completely disregard them.

Thick Skin

Being a woman leader requires you to get a very thick skin. Everyone will seek to bring you down, including those who are envious of your success, committed to upholding the status quo, and constantly question your decisions.

In addition, you need to possess a certain type of delicate humility. Because you cannot simply ignore criticism. Learning what criticism is damaging and what input is constructive is one of the main talents of being a woman leader.

Because women deserve an equal chance to succeed and because they contribute so much, both ladies want to see female leadership and endeavor flourish in the IT industry in the years to come.

Key Takeaways from Women in Tech: Take Your Career to the Next Level with Practical Advice and Inspiring Stories…

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